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"The fault is not in ourselves, but in themselves."

"Owed to Carbon" (Part One)

You've heard the arguments about carbon taxes, global climate change, and greenhouse gasses.
Now, here is some background balderdash which has been left out of your education -- possibly for brevity's sake.
These are some lines in our syllabus:

1) Why do carbon-based life forms have such different opinions about the safety of putting carbon in our air & water?


2) As long as we are correct, why should we care how those other morons arrived at their conclusions? We aren't sure exactly where the other folks took a wrong turn. And for too long, we haven't cared. Maybe it's time we find out.


3) What's the best way to process scientific information -- with our dominance-seeking organs and glands, including the brain . . . or with objective, cognitive abstract models?


4) Is the idea of a carbon tax _really just a plea for attention by one group of carbon-based life forms, to get the attention of another group of carbon-based life forms, concerning the burning of carbon and its effects on the biosphere? Or is it more of a random, wayward thought train being emitted by one group of carbon-based life forms?


5) Are we missing the tell-tale signs of non-carbon-based life?


6) Which is more dangerous to our survival: a) too much atmospheric heat being trapped by greenhouse gas emissions;
or b) chess moves which are forced upon us in the wild conversation about environmental obligations?

