
If God can be one of us, can the Oceans be one of us?

Should we be worried the oceans might call 911 on us? Accuse us of date rape? Sue us for divorce? Take the house, the children, the pets, and our precious collections? Stalk us?
Earth is the cradle of human kind. But we cannot remain in the cradle forever. We must grow up.

(nod to Arthur C. Clarke)

Visit us at: anyplace there's water
or Song of Science, a website that is primitive even by the standards of the 1990s.

If you need more prodding to save the oceans or whatever, You just need to use your imagination.


This relationship could be a courtroom drama. Imagine witnesses & evidence -- presented by shysters in a trial!



Plastic pollution; killing coral reefs; making oily messes; over-fishing; asserting that God blesses our carelessnesses.

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Counter Complaints:

Giant storms; Giant Tsunamis; Being Inscrutable; Causing excessive moss growth on window sills; Being so beautiful.

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